A new GP surgery opened in Parton Road, Churchdown in Gloucester in April 2018. Surrounding the premises is green land which was unused that we hope to develop to benefit patients and the wider community and in the summer of 2019 it was confirmed that this was going to be possible. Inspired by similar schemes including our Vale Hospital Community Garden and Allotments Scheme, we will be utilising this space to create a community gardening scheme.
Update October 2019: The Producers, a group of volunteers based in Gloucester, have started building the raised beds (thanks ever so much) so we now need to fill them with soil and compost. Then we can start planting them up with bulbs, garlic, broad beans etc, very exciting. We’ve yet to confirm the day of the week we’ll be meeting up regularly so watch this space.
We have a lovely summer house donated by Fords Sheds based nearby which is lovely. We need to give it another coat of paint but it looks great and will be very useful.
We should have some tools and accessories before long and then we can get going.
We are looking for volunteers to get involved and help to put in raised beds and seating, build compost bins, grow food, maintain the gardens and share cups of tea. All abilities and experience welcome. This will be an opportunity to make new friends, share knowledge (and tea!) and enjoy being creative.
All you need to bring is some gloves and good sturdy footwear.
Donations of any gardening tools, garden chairs and a table would be very welcome.
If you would like to find out more or get involved, please get in touch or email churchdowncommunitygarden@downtoearthstroud.co.uk.
Look out for news and updates on Facebook too.