Kick off the growing season and plant a fruit tree!

We’ll have a stall at the Farmers Market this year for our annual Fruit Tree Sale where a wide range of fruit trees and shrubs will be available.

Come and browse a number of apple varieties, cherries, plums, pears, quinces and gages as well as black currant, red currant, white currant, gooseberry and jostaberry shrubs.

Our trees are on various sized rootstocks so you’ll find the right sized tree for your garden, be it  a patio or a full-sized orchard.


The trees are very affordably priced and are a great asset for every  garden.

If you are interested but can’t make it on the day or can’t carry the trees home, get in touch on

Alternative times for pick up are available and we can also deliver for a small charge.

It’s Valentine’s Day so come and pick a tree for a loved one or for yourself to be enjoyed for years to come!