Such a lovely place to work and a really friendly group of people.
The plots are really looking green and interesting now with so many of the crops we’ve planted
coming into fruit. Potatoes flowering, beans and peas coming along nicely, parsnips, leeks, onions, garlic to name a few.








Even the poppies are looking good (just when you think
you’ve got them all!). We had a lot of poppies to take up this
year but it’s never too much of a problem when they burst
through as they are so beautiful and a good reminder of the
tenacity of life…
Most of the beds have vegetables of one kind or another
growing in them now and the poly-tunnel is full of
mangetout, parsley, cucumbers and physallis.
It’s good to take home the fruit of your labour and eat a
wonderfully fresh, home grown, organic meal in the evening.

Thank you Selsley

Blog 7